In the summer of 2022 we began the process of changing the narrative surrounding Home Education, not only by continuing to challenge misconceptions, but by promoting it as a viable option that is open to all. As a community of diverse families, who are proud of our educational choices, we hope to inspire other parents to make informed decisions surrounding their own children's education, regardless of whether they choose to use public schools, Montessori schools, Steiner schools or to home educate. We believe that the choice of how and where a child should be educated belongs to the parents, and therefore we need to unite all families to protect this crucial freedom of choice.

The Education Act of 1996, Section 7, gives us the legal right to Home Educate. The option to home educate is protected in primary legislation as an equal educational option, the issue is most families do not realise this. This means that it is perfectly legal for a family to choose to home educate right from the beginning, or you can alternatively choose to home educate at any point between the ages of 5-16;

Templates for deregistration letters and information on how to do this can be found on
As part of helping parents exercise these fundamental rights in the most informed way possible, we want to show the truth of home education as a legal and viable option in Wales. We want to show that it can fit around family life and work, that you can learn and grow together alongside a wide community of home ed support, if you choose, all across Wales!

The vast landscape of learning approaches, that home education is comprised of, provides a wealth of opportunities for children to have an education that is both individual and tailored to their changing needs as they grow. Families may have a variety of learning philosophies, but the ‘Spirit of Home Ed’ remains the same: as an ethos with the child’s wellbeing at its central core.

Myths and Truths

1. Myth: I can’t home educate because I don’t have a degree or a teaching qualification.

Truth: The responsibility of a child’s education lies with the legal guardians from birth; they are responsible for providing an education for their child, be it at school or otherwise. Home Education is the default option for all families, regardless of the level of formal education or qualifications, unless the parent/ guardian chooses to opt into using a school to provide their child’s education instead. The law states that you are free to educate your own child from birth, or you may remove them from school at any age, and at any time, to educate them at home. The law also states that an education suitable to the age, ability and aptitude of the child is provided. There are many ways to achieve this, either via a structured curriculum if you wish, or by the numerous other learning philosophies available to home educated families. However, you do not need to follow any curriculum, timetable, or term dates if you do not wish to; Home Education can be tailor made to suit each child. You can find lots of advice and information about the numerous learning styles online or by contacting any local home education group. ”

2. Myth: I can’t afford to home educate.

Truth: Home Education can cost as much or as little as you need it to. There is a huge array of free resources to choose from, including libraries, museums, historical sites, outdoor country parks, beaches, etc; learning can happen anywhere and at anytime! Along with many free resources online, some local home education meet ups and trips are also free of charge for your family to participate in. If you would prefer to purchase resources to compliment your family’s learning, there are plenty of resources and curriculums available based around an array of learning styles such as Steiner/ Montessori, Charlotte Mason, literacy & numeracy programs etc. Although there are also many online learning programmes you can choose to purchase a subscription to, some websites are also free to access, such as Khan Academy and Teach Your Monster to Read. For some families, with children of secondary school age, exam cost can be an initial concern if they have chosen to sit them. However, exams can be sat in college, or even online; there is plenty of advice available surrounding exams, and other alternative routes to higher education, so please reach out to your local home education community for help.

3. Myth: I don’t have the time to educate my child at home.

Truth: A full time and efficient education is required by law; however, a one-to-one learning experience is far more focused and targeted than being in a larger group setting, with one facilitator, and will naturally take a shorter amount of time to complete. Home educating families don’t need to spend time handing out materials, getting books out of bags and queueing for lunch every day. Due to this, it generally takes around half the time to complete a full-time education at home than it would in a formal establishment. Many parents now work part time around their children’s education, and some even full time with the support of family and friends. Home education is not bound by location or time: it can take place seven days a week, morning or night and can happen all year round. There is no timetable that home educators need to abide by; some families compact structured learning into a couple of hours a day whilst, other families spread it in smaller portions throughout the day.

In short, it is entirely possible to fit your child’s education around your family’s unique needs.

4.Myth: Home educated children are different and don’t have friends.

Truth: All children are different. Through home education, children can embrace their individuality. There are plenty of opportunities within the home education community for children to develop friendships with others who share similar passions and interests. As children are not limited to finding friendships within one age group or locality, the opportunity for connection with others is widened. This can also be a bonus for children with additional learning needs, who are able to approach social situations at their own pace and choose locations where they feel most comfortable.

5. Myth: Families mainly choose Home Education for religious or philosophical reasons.

Truth: There are a wide variety of reasons families home educate. Families who home educate are as diverse as their reasons for choosing Home Education; these reasons could include religion, philosophical outlook, neurodiversity, lifestyle... and many more. There are also a wide variety of learning styles and finding one to suit you and your family can take time. Our communities are naturally inclusive of children of all abilities and backgrounds, making it particularly welcoming to families with additional learning needs. No matter how your family chooses to learn, the home education community is diverse enough that there is ample opportunity to connect with like-minded families to share experiences with.

6. Myth: Home Educated children will zone out and will end up staring screens all day.

Truth: If a child has recently come into home education after being in a more traditional environment, especially if it was for an extended period of time, they may need time to adapt and decompress. This may mean they are more naturally drawn to either more passive or creative activities such as art, crafting, gaming, screens, reading etc. The key thing is to be aware of your child and their needs. You know your child best, and therefore should be aware of what would be a healthy period to focus on a specific activity for them, as individuals. Opinions surrounding screen time will differ from household to household, however there are plenty of groups and activities available within the community that are completely screen free if desired.

7. Myth: Home Educated families are isolated from their wider communities.

Truth: There are many opportunities for families to connect with home education groups and communities across Wales. Facebook groups are a very convenient way to connect with families across your area. As well as all the Home Education specific support available, you can still access the many extracurricular activities in your own community, such as sports clubs, dance classes, Brownies, and Scouts. Home educated families regularly enjoy activities organised for the wider community, and their children often have friends who may be educated differently to themselves. Home Education, after all, is simply another educational choice available to all families and it is quickly becoming more and more popular. Children will also be able to meet others from a variety of educational backgrounds naturally, within their hometown, by playing in the street or at a visit to the local park.

The aim of sharing these myths and truths is to help you make the best educational decision for your family, and Home Education gives families the freedom to learn and grow together at their own pace in a variety of ways. Home Education is a lifelong, flexible choice that can take place anytime, anywhere and at a family’s own pace. Home Education is never a journey you need to walk alone: we strongly believe in the importance of community, and there is always support on hand for whenever you feel you may need it.